MPS Micro Precision Systems AG is a Swiss company founded in 1936 under the name RMB – Roulements Miniatures Bienne SA. With our expertise in the field of linear bearings and miniature ball screws and our diversified skills in development, machining and assembly, we design custom products and solutions that stand out for their reliability, high precision and small size. The demanding markets served by MPS are mainly medical, including orthopaedics, watchmaking, automation, aerospace, science and optics. In addition, we rely on the expertise of our parent company, FAULHABER Group, for electric drive systems.
MPS Micro Precision Systems AG employs over 500 highly qualified people and occupies 4 sites, ideally laid out to meet our needs. The markets are split between 4 business units: MPS Microsystems, MPS Watch, MPS Décolletage, MPS Precimed.
MPS Micro Precision Systems AG has grown and developed over time to maintain its high level of competitiveness on the demanding markets for which it is active. The company's innovative capacity and quest for excellence are recognised well beyond the country's borders.
MPS는 2008년부터 249kW의 최대 전력을 제공하는 530m² 면적의 태양광 패널을 사용하여 전력을 공급받는 14,400m² 규모의 친환경 건물에서 제품을 생산하고 있습니다. 2019년에는 두 번째 건물이 문을 열었습니다. 본 건물에는 우리 공장의 일부와 MPS Watch의 사무실이 있습니다. 또한 태양광 패널은 50kW의 전력을 제공합니다.