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The evolution of X-Myrox. A non-magnetic, lubricant-free bearing with unprecedented mechanical resistance.


The Super-Myrox bearing is an ultra-high-performance watchmaking ball bearing, surpassing the renowned qualities of the X-Myrox thanks to its improved shock resistance, contained noise and non-magnetism. This is made possible by an exclusive combination of ceramic balls and cobalt-containing superalloy rings.

Super-Myrox bearings are available in a wide range of sizes. However, its high mechanical resistance predestines it mainly for oscillating weight applications. It is compatible with FlyFix and Oscrew mounting systems, and can be riveted.

Super-Myrox is also compatible with ActiVib shock absorber technology, providing the ultimate performance combination for the most demanding applications.

Main characteristics

  • Lubricant-free
  • Non-magnetic
  • High shock and corrosion resistance


  • Product data sheet – Super-Myrox

L'évolution du X-Myrox

MPS Watch a introduit pour la première fois en 2004 la céramique dans la conception de ses roulements à billes. En proposant ainsi le roulement X-Myrox sans lubrification, MPS Watch a fait figure de précurseur.

Au fil des années, MPS Watch a régulièrement fait évoluer son produit afin de toujours surpasser les standards du marché. A titre d’exemple, la céramique employée de manière exclusive dans les billes a fait l'objet d'une nouvelle famille de brevets en 2023.

Avec le Super-Myrox, MPS Watch démontre sa détermination à maintenir la supériorité de ses produits dans une dynamique de perpétuelle avancée technologique. Ce roulement reprend en effet les caractéristiques qui ont fait le succès du X-Myrox (non-lubrification, fiabilité et performance) tout en présentant des caractéristiques améliorées d’amagnétisme, de résistance aux chocs et de bruit.

A team listening to your concerns

베어링에 웨이트를 조립하면 일부 고객에게 심각한 스크랩이 발생할 수 있음을 확인했습니다. 미세 조립 전문가인 당사 엔지니어의 반응은 압입 및 리벳팅이 베어링 작동에 미치는 영향을 예측하는 동시에 사용되는 다양한 재료를 고려하는 모델과 공정을 개발하는 것이었습니다. 따라서 MPS Watch는 작동으로 인한 스크랩을 생성하지 않고 안정적이고 반복 가능한 조립 프로세스를 보장할 수 있습니다. 마지막으로 최적화된 물류 관리는 응답성과 유연성을 제공합니다.

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