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Ceramic ball bearing for transmission components


The movement manufacturer is often faced with the problem of designing a wheel train or driving wheels in a confined space. This is solved by Mobix.

The compact dimensions of the smallest Mobix [D 1.28 mm x H 0.50 mm] and the extensively-proven efficiency of ceramic ball bearing technology offer new opportunities for the designers of watches and other timekeeping products.

The standard references of the Mobix bearing can be viewed in the online shop.


  • Lubrication-free
  • No axial support needed
  • Multiple uses: wheels, cams, rollers, etc.
  • Flexible configuration of gear trains
  • Suitable methods of fixing


  • Product data sheet – Mobix

E-shop for standard products

MPS Watch has developed an online purchasing site where, in just a few clicks, you can order all the standard budget bearings including Mobix, our ceramic ball bearing for power transmission components. Available items are dispatched within 48 hours. Don’t forget to stop by! 

A team listening to your concerns

The constraints when constructing an ultra-thin mechanical watch drive movement designers to seek solutions that limit the thickness of components as much as possible.

To meet this need, our engineers have developed the Mobix line to drive wheel trains or gears as suspended over the plate, thus achieving a significant height reduction compared with the traditional construction of a wheel mounted between plate and bridge.

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