MPS Microsystems makes its unique expertise in very high precision electromechanical systems available to scientists around the globe. As an example, MPS Microsystems has now become an essential partner in developing and manufacturing optical fiber positioners to be installed by hundreds - or even thousands - in astronomical telescopes.
Based on proven experience with the realisation of past successful projects MPS has designed and characterised a scalable Theta/Phi fiber positioner for Multi-Object Spectrographs.
DESI miniature optical fiber positioner – Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument – organised by Berkeley University in California (USA)
Miniature optical fiber positioner for VLT – Very Large Telescope
SDSS-V is an all-sky, multi-epoch spectroscopic survey that will yield over 6 million objects during its five-year observing-time. Using SDSS’s existing and anticipated new facilities at Apache Point Observatory (New Mexico) and Las Campanas Observatory (Chile) SDSS-V will survey the entire sky using rapid and repeated observations, mapping Local Volume galaxies and black holes.