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Visit of economic leaders from the Jura canton to MPS Watch

Visit of economic leaders from the Jura canton to MPS Watch

Our MPS Watch division, responsible for all watchmaking activities at MPS, had the honour to welcome the Jura's economic leaders to our Bonfol site. From left to right: Lionel Socchi, Delegate for Economic Promotion of the Republic and Jura Canton – Pierre-Alain Berret, Director of the Jura Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Jacques Gerber, Minister for the Economy and Health of the Republic and Jura Canton and President of the Government in 2019 – Matthey Yanick, Technical Manager of MPS Watch – Marlyse Fuhrer, Deputy Director of the Jura Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Frédy Métille, Production Manager of MPS Watch – and Nicola Thibaudeau, CEO of MPS Micro Precision Systems AG.

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