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Removal of plastic containers

Removal of plastic containers

Since January 2017, MPS has implemented water fountains to eliminate single-use plastic cups.


This action has generated a saving of some 150,000 cups over the past four years.

For the coffee, we have made an estimate of about 170'000 paper cups for the same period.

Approximately, we can communicate the following figures for the savings in resources and waste:

  • - 1'200kg of oil used 
  • - 314m3 of waste water 
  • - 457MWh of electricity used 
  • - 8.6 tons of CO2 equivalent emitted 
  • - 2.5T of waste incinerated 


This information comes from the specific balance sheets of the two types of cups, i.e. PP and cardboard.

Indeed, with the suppression of plastic cups, we have introduced a service set for each employee. In addition, a porcelain cup has been distributed. Thus, each employee has a complete set for his daily use. In the cafeteria, we have plates and bowls available.

In this way we encourage the recycling of materials within our company. 


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