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🚀 Be a hero! Join us and contribute to the advancement of projects that have a real impact in the world. Discover your mission

Rechtliche Hinweise

Rechtliche Hinweise

Die MPS Micro Precision Systems AG stellt alle Dokumente zur Verfügung, die zur Erfüllung der gesetzlichen Anforderungen erforderlich sind. Nachfolgend finden Sie die wichtigsten Links.

Data protection and legal information

Protecting your personal data is of importance to us. We therefore take great care in processing it in compliance with the applicable laws on data protection and postal law. Would you like to know what we do to protect the privacy of your data?

General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery

Our GTC are valid for sont valables all MPS Micro Precision Systems AG entities, including MPS Microsystems, MPS Watch, MPS Décolletage entities, and also MPS Precimed SA.


MPS makes all ISO quality certificates available.


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