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Entdecken Sie die Unternehmenspolitik von MPS


MPS entwickelt und produziert kundenspezifische mikromechanische Lösungen in anspruchsvollen Anwendungsbereichen wie Medizintechnik einschließlich Orthopädie, Uhrenindustrie, Automatisierung, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Wissenschaft, Optik und Industrie. Wir verdanken unseren Erfolg der 80-jährigen Erfahrung in der Miniatur-Kugelumlaufspindel- und Kugellagertechnologie, unserer herausragenden Bearbeitungs- und Montagekompetenz und der langfristigen Partnerschaft mit unseren Kunden und Lieferanten. Die MPS Micro Precision Systems AG beschäftigt mehr als 500 engagierte und hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter an 3 Standorten, deren Layout perfekt auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist : Das Unternehmen ist in 4 Geschäftsbereiche aufgeteilt: MPS Microsystems, MPS Watch, MPS Décolletage, MPS Precimed.

Our mission

We design and produce miniature guiding systems of high precision for the most demanding industrial sectors. Our success is based on innovations in the technique of miniature bearings, on our high-precision manufacturing capabilities and our micro-mechanic assembly capacity.

We also benefit of the high competencies of the FAULHABER Group.

Our vision

We have grown steadily over the last 80 years, driven by the untiring ambition of packing ever more complex functions into highly compact systems and by incorporating the latest technologies as well as the FAULHABER Group unique know-how.

We have a great vision: to pursue miniaturization through constant innovation.


Our challenges:

  • Guarantee the specifications of our client’s high-tech products
  • Place human needs as our central priority by contributing to developments in the fields of medical and optical devices
  • Maintain our position of key supplier to the most prestigious watch making companies
  • Share our motivation and our capacity of innovation with our clients, suppliers and employees

Our policy

We set clear objectives that we shall meet through appropriate strategies.

We constantly adapt our methods and resources in order to achieve the highest quality levels.

We keep a permanent technology watch to maintain our production equipment at the cutting edge of technology.

We work closely together with universities; we regularly optimize our work processes by adopting the latest scientific developments.

Our quality assurance policy calls for rigid quality plans and strict control procedures. It is the guarantee that we only supply products and services of the highest quality.

We are firmly committed to adopt an impeccable behaviour in all ethical, social and legal matters.

Our values and our commitment

Towards our clients

  • We make every possible effort to fully satisfy our clients’ expectations regarding the ever increasing requirements of their products, by maintaining close contact with them and by responding quickly and professionally to their needs
  • We accompany our clients’ developments from the initial conception to the final solution
  • The client’s success is OUR motivation

Towards our suppliers and partners

  • We are committed to establishing and maintaining tight partnership based on competence, transparency and reciprocal trust
  • We want to cooperate in a climate of mutual respect and esteem
  • It is our central priority to ensure a responsible attitude in all social and environmental matters

Towards our personnel

We place a high value on the human capital which is our company’s principal asset:

  • By developing the full potential of our workforce and by providing free space for new ideas and initiatives
  • By encouraging continuous training and personal development for every employee and for all teams, and giving them full support in the accomplishment of their mission
  • By maintaining efficient channels of communication providing clear, relevant information
  • By being attentive to their views, and this, at all hierarchic levels in the company
  • By favouring a working environment of secure jobs, making private and working lives compatible
  • By creating an agreeable working climate based on confidence, dialogue and mutual respect, in each department and at each hierarchic level
  • By providing adequate and attractive social benefits
  • By ensuring equality of men and women at the workplace

Towards our shareholders

  • We respect our shareholders and treat them with consideration
  • All our actions are directed to the long term company permanence and to its consistent growth
  • We are listening to our shareholders, and inform them timely, in a clear, open and transparent way, including our strategy for return on investment
  • We are committed to using coherent and reliable accounting methods which are compatible with those of our Group

Our environmental policy

The MPS management deploys the necessary resources to reach its environmental objectives and, in particular, is committed to:

  • Making rational, conscientious use of its industrial inputs, giving preference to renewable resources and minimizing waste at all levels within the company
  • Including environmental criteria in its purchasing policies and choice of subcontractors, and applying these criteria when purchasing new equipment or introducing new production processes
  • Analyzing its energy consumption by sector of activity, in order to determine the most significant savings directions and limiting emissions of volatile organic waste into the atmosphere, taking every possible action to prevent risk of environmental pollution
  • Setting a statutory watch procedure enabling the company to keep up with the applicable regulation, and to maintain close contact with the cantonal environment authorities
  • Verifying regularly the company’s environmental performance, setting new objectives based on results during management reviews, and making the personnel aware of the crucial importance of environmental issues

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